Fitness Testing
Fitness Testing
Students in grades 3-5 take part in a Physical Fitness challenge. Individual testing is done two times a year (fall and spring).
The Fitness Challenge is a program that encourages all Americans to make being active part of their everyday lives. No matter what your activity and fitness level, this challenge can help motivate you to improve.
Fitness Concepts 3,4,5 Related fitness test
1.Muscular strength Flexed arm hang/pullups/sit ups
2.Muscular endurance Sit-ups/ Flexed arm hang/sit ups
3.Cardio-respiratory endurance 1/2 or 1 mile run
4.Agility/Speed Shuttle run
5.Flexibility Sit and reach
6.Body composition fat vs. muscle discussion
Fitness concepts K,1,2
Exercise - Heart rate concepts
Rest - Hours of sleep required by age
Nutrition - National food pyramid guidelines